I wanted to uncover the specific traits, skills, and methods that the learner needs to succeed in the highly networked, rapidly changing 21st century. The following is a list of interviewees who generously gave their time and feedback that informed the design of the Scatliff Model for Networked Learning.
Here’s a sample list of interviewees:
Sara Algoe is a researcher at the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Lab (PEPLab) at the University of North Carolina (UNC). After receiving a doctorate in social psychology at the University of Virginia, and completing a postdoctorate in health psychology at UCLA, she came to the PEPLab to work with principle investigator and positive psychologist, Barbara Fredrickson. Fredrickson is nationally known for her studies examining the effect that positive emotions have on cognition, psychological and physical health, as well as its larger effects on group behavior. Sara’s area of interest is in researching how adults are influenced when watching others perform “virtuous, talented, and kind behaviors.” She is exploring how witnessing these acts affect adults’ physical well-being and interpersonal relationships. Sara is also working, along with the PEPlab, to design a curriculum for the Education Department of the United States Army, to provide training to increase emotional intelligence and positive thinking within army families.
Berenice “Bee” Bleedorn was a creative studies scholar and educator, who until the age of 98 continued to advocate for the teaching of creative thinking skills in both workforce and educational institutions. She completed an MA in Educational Leadership from the University of Minnesota and a doctorate in Leadership and Human Behavior from the United States International University in San Diego, CA. She worked closely with mentor, Dr. Paul Torrance, who designed an assessment tool for creativity ability. She was the founder of the Institute for Creative Studies in St. Paul at the University of St. Thomas and has taught at a variety of institutions.
Kathryn Britton is adjunct faculty at the University of Maryland, a personal coach, and Associate Editor of the Positive Psychology News Daily. She has a Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP), which is a 5-year old program offered by the University of Pennsylvania and developed by the “father of positive psychology” researcher, Martin Seligman. Kathryn runs a monthly meeting in Chapel Hill for professionals and students who are interested in discussing topics in positive psychology. She also recently co-edited Resilience, a book of essays about why certain adults are able to overcome tragedy and hardship and remain positive.
Jen Messier is the co-founder of the Brooklyn Brainery, an educational co-op based in Brooklyn, New York that offers “collaborative learning classes” on any topic of interest hosted by adults from the community. The Brainery compares itself to a “book club on steroids” stating on their website, “Abandon all hierarchical learning ye who enter here!” All who sign up to take a class are given one aspect of the topic to research and report to the others. So far The Brainery has hosted classes on topics such as American Sign Language, typography, perfume making, everything you wanted to know about coffee, how to make a piecrust, the origin of denim, how to whittle, and more. Jen has a BA in Art History from Williams College in Massachusetts and moved to New York upon graduation.
Ed Poindexter is a creative and social psychology scholar. He taught courses for 11 years to prisoners in the Minnesota Stillwater Correctional Facility on building self- esteem, critical thinking skills, and creative studies. During his years teaching at Stillwater, Ed developed an instructional curriculum, EsteemQuest: A Holistic Guide to Building Self-Esteem in Youth. He has served a 40-year sentence for the charge of killing an Omaha officer in 1970. Poindexter was a community activist and Black Panther at the time. Evidence for the case has been in question and Amnesty International considers Poindexter a political prisoner. Ed continues to work on his appeal, in addition to writing plays and designing green technologies.
Esther Powell is the Director for Student Advocacy and Services for Adult and Graduate Students at Winston-Salem State University. She has an EdD from Northcentral University. Her doctoral research was on the leadership and vision of Simon Green Atkins , who founded Slater Industrial Academy in 1892, which later became Winston- Salem State University in North Carolina.
Bryan Seyfarth is Director of Product Marketing at Sopheon, an international computer software provider. Brian’s main product is Idea Lab, a newly released software that can assist corporate managers in encouraging and guiding the various stages in innovation within their companies. Bryan has a PhD in Organizational Communication from the University of Minnesota.